So, Everyone's been going to yearbookyourself.com and I just couldn't help it. I this picture totally makes me look like my mother when she was in highschool! Pretty silly, eh?
This last week has been insane. All the shows at Pop Montreal were sooo lovely. I still have a bit of a cough, but hopefully that will settle down now that Pop Montreal is over. Just to let everyone know, I feel ridiculously accomplished because On Friday, my computer totally crashed and I fixed all by myself.
*Note-skip this paragraph if you don't feel like reading about stupid technology stuff*
It was very, VERY frustrating. It all started out when I was trying to do a security update. After that, the next time I logged in, I wasn't able to get to the long-in screen. I went to the genius bar at the apple store and they did what they could, but they said I would have to re-install all of my software. I was like "oh GREAT, too bad my software is in California, who knows how long it will take to get this 'fixed'". Then, I got the genius idea to use Ali's software....which worked, but THEN it told me I didn't have enough free space to install.....and then all I could think was, "Now what?!" How am i supposed to "make room" when I can't log in? So I resulted to calling applecare. They only kind of helped. They told me I could try to delete files via firewire through someone else's computer. So at 8pm, I made some phone calls and biked up to James, Chris, and Arthur's house. I got the firewire, and figured out how to go into my hard drive as an external through ali's computer. I was finally able to reinstall everything and keep my files! I was really worried there for a second. I really need to back up everything. eggh. After that entire ordeal, I felt relieved and accomplished. I did it all, like a big girl. hahaha
*pick up here*
So, I've got another French test this week. I've been using my Rosetta Stone and it has been helping. More so with pronunciation and a little less with the grammar, but perhaps it's because we are further along with the grammatical stuff in class. I actually really like Rosetta Stone-believe it or not. It's a bit embarrassing with people around, but hey, it's kind of fun.
I volunteered at People's Potato last week. I really like it there and I've met a few pretty cool people. I also got to take extra food home, which is totally awesome. Speaking of food, today Jenna and I went to this really delicious Indian (or "Indienne" as the French would say) food restaurant called "Pushap". We got samosas, curry, rice, bread, and tea for 5 bucks each. It was ridiculously cheap and they had generuese portions.
1 comment:
I just got my mac and it has been giving me problems too. I can totally relate to your frustration. I just had to reinstall OS X, and I had to erase everything (not that there's a whole lotta stuff on there now because it's a new computer, but hey, it still sucked). Hopefully that fixed the problem. I will find out tonight. I hope it's fixed because calling apple care is kind of a joke!
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