Monday, September 1, 2008

What I've been doing.

Hello all,
After much pestering, I have decided to make another entry! For the past few days, I have been spending some time with my roommate, watching movies and relaxing before the hustle and bustle of the city life begins!

Yesterday, I went to the International Student Orientation (which ended up being quite lame.) It was mostly an orientation to show everyone the school and simultaneously play "icebreakers". If you know me at all, you will know that I'm not the biggest fan of "getting to know you games". At the end, there was a BBQ with an 1 1/2 hr long wait just to get a dog or burger! Luckily, since I don't eat meat, They bumped me to the front of the line to grab a veggie burger.

After, I went to the Tam Tams. The Tam Tams are a bigg hippie festival where a bunch of people hang out on the mountain and play drums in a drum circle for HOURS. It's a relaxed atmo. People just bring blankets and lay out on the grass.

Today I get to pay rent, yayyyy! haha. (Not as bad as Ca prices.)
School starts tomorrow! I still havent gotten around to picking up my books, but I figured I would wait to make sure I don't need them. Tomorrow I'll give an entry about school!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hippie fest sounds right up your alley...woohoo!
I want to hear about your first day of school!