Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Very First Entry!


In Courtney fashion, I always have to start doing things late. I have been meaning to create a blog for everyone to read as I am away (studying in Canada) but of course I have to put it off until later. So here it goes...

I have just moved into my apartment (with the lovely Ali) and it feels wonderful! For the past 2 weeks, I stayed in a Hostel called "Auberge de Paris" and it was an amazing experience. Yes, It was expensive, yes the showers were not particularly "up to par", yes a crazy Turkish woman decided to turn up the heat full blast every single night we were there-but overall- it was a great experience. I had never stayed in a hostel before. If you are unfamiliar with the whole "hostel way", basically what it is, is a place where lots of people (from all over the world) come to stay and enjoy the city they are visiting. There were about 6 bunks in the girls dorm (meaning I shared a room with 12 girls). Not particularly my cup of tea, but it worked out quite well. I met about 6 german boys, 4 irish boys, 3 Australian guys, a couple from Colombia, a couple from England, a few people from Spain, a guy from Dubai, a guy from Korea, a guy from China, some Slovakian girls, a few from France, and a bunch of Canadians! It was really amazing! Everyone was really nice and so outgoing. We went out with different people every night we were there! I feel like I'm already poor because I spent so much money on food and necessities, but now I'm settled in to my very own apartment!

Immigration has been crazy, and now they are telling me I have to somehow make it all the way to the border and "re-enter" as a student (which seems pretty unethical to me) but c'est la vie, I guess...

It was crazy when Jenna and I got to our hostel because (little did we know) we were stuck right in the middle of a francophone section. We might as well have been in France! Everywhere we went, people would address us in French-talk about awkward-but it was definitely cool to have that little bone thrown in the spokes. I feel like I'll definitely be learning a lot of French while I'm here (maybe I'll even be fluent).

That's the update for now, hopefully this test run wasn't too scatterbrained!

Au Revoir!


Kelly said...

Hey! I am so glad that you have made it and that you seem to be having fun. I can't wait to hear all about how your year goes. We will keep you our prayers!

Anonymous said...

This is Peter. Fuck Canadian immigration. I can't get to the border Courtney. No one can drive me and I can't borrow a car because I have no insurance. This is mildly frustrating.