Hello lovelies!
I am now officially on what I would call at home my "spring" break, but it's in winter. I am so happy to have a break from school...but there's a catch because I still have tons of schoolwork to do over the break! I really wanted to go down to new york (and maybe see uncle kevin and aunt anna) but I do not have the sufficient funds, nor have I expressed this to my relatives :) haha. It will be nice to relax for a little while. I think I am going to try and go to a few places/restos that I haven't been too.
This week I had 4 midterms! It was insanity. In celebration of finishing, I decided to make some delicious, vegan baked goods. I got a recipe from one of my favorite vegan books called, "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World". I made the Cookies'n'creme cupcakes....and let me tell you that they were a hit! I still have a few left that I definitely shouldn't eat. I'm sure I'll pawn them off on my friends :) I will post a picture of the cupcakes next time around.
Here are a few pictures from when Navid was visitng. That gross, sloppy looking plate of brown mass is what we like to call "poutine"...which is a traditional Québecois food. Fries with cheese curds and gravy on top (and other things if you're feeling like you can stomach it). The other girl is my friend Nicole, about to dive in to a 2:30am poutine.
There is another picture of me, studying child development in our coffee shop, java u.
The other picture is of Navid right before he dove into another famous Québecois food, smoked meat sandwich....from the famous "Swartz"
That's all I have for now. A bientot!