Today has been crazy intense! I got four hours of sleep last night. Je suis TRÈS fatiguée! Woke up bright and early to go to Français to review for the final exam, then I ran straight to the library and spent countless hours (4 or 5?) writing a paper that ws due at 6pm! (okay, okay...i took a little study break and ran over to this place next to campus called Burritoville, not only is it delicious, they are very vegan-friendly!) Theeeen, I went to the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy across from campus for thursday nights "Mother Hubbard's Cupboard" which is a by-donation dinner. It's actually pretty similar to People's Potato (but i think P.P. is better! shhhh.) Then I rushed over to class to turn in my paper/take notes. Luckily he let us out early because I am now cramming for a test in my Education class in about 15 minutes. Let's just say it's been a pretty long day. After, I get to go home and Webcam it up with the fam! woooo. I'm glad they were understanding and let me re-schedule. I didn't have ANY time to start making the cranberry relish for tomorrow's feast (all the american kids AND canadian kids are all getting together!) so hopefully i can wake up early enough to get everything done! Wish me Luck!
p.s. thanks for the thanksgiving card grandma!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Aujourd'hui, Je parlerai de ma régime. Je suis végétalienne. Je ne mange pas rien qui vient des animaux. Je ne mange pas la viande, les œufs, ou les produits laitiers. J'ai été végétalienne pendant sept mois. c'est facile pour moi parce que je suis allergiques aux lactose. Je mange beaucou des légumes, des fruits, des noix, des haricots, et riz. je suis pas comme certain végétaliens. Certain végétaliens taquinent d'autres parce qu'ils mangent les produits animaux. Je ne pense pas qui est gentil. Je suis incertain de combien de temps je serai un végétalienne, mais j'aime mange comme ça. Je suis végétalienne pour raisons personelles. Il y a beaucoup d'options et restaraunts agréables pour des végétaliens à Montréal. J'aime faire du benevolant chez "People's Potato" une service qui cuisine des repas végétalienne pendant la semaine. Manger chez "People's Potato" mes sauve d'argent et les repas sont delicieux. Surtout, être végétalienne est super!
Okay, So I had an oral exam today. I think I did pretty decently. I had to memorize what I wrote above. I don't think I did too bad. Sorry for the terrible grammar (for those who actually know French). I didn't actually have to write it, I just had to say it. Basically, I talked about my "dietary habits". Obviously, the sentences start to get a bit repetitive, but it's because I'm probably at the level of a 3rd grader. Which is frustrating, but it's all I know.
Today, at people's potato, I made the croutons and the dressing. It was awesome and everyone seemed to like it. I made a garlic-y oil to put on the croutons for the oven and I made a balsamic strawberry basil dressing. I served some of the food afterward, and then I ate. It's amazing how willing you are to volunteer, when it's something you are passionate about. I don't really even think of it as work. It feels more like a place to unwind, listen to some jams, prepare food, and talk to friends. It's even more awesome/intimate because we get to share a meal together. It makes me feel like I have a family away from home. Even though there are still a lot of people whom i can't remember the names of, but for some reason it doesn't really matter. I like to learn everyone's name (and i'm almost there!) but it's not totally necessary in order to enjoy one another's company.
*side note*-for those just chiming into my blog, the "people's potato" is a free service provided by the university where people provide free meals (with donations accepted) every school day. The meal is vegan so that everyone can enjoy (no matter their religious background or food restrictions). **
I'm really sad because I can't go see No Age this weekend because I already made plans. BUT I am excited because I get to go to Nico's house for a potluck (AGAIN!) and after that, I am going to a "my little pony 25th anniversary" party! I think I'm going to dress up, I'm not sure how, but I will. I have a few REALLY big papers I have to write before the semester is over and 2 big finals, French, and History(?). But I should be finished by early/mid December. I am REALLY excited for my friends and my sister coming to visit at the end of the year.
I'm really sad because I looked out my window and I saw a dead Siamese cat. I've seen it before (when it was still alive) and I think it might be the neighbors. I'm thinking about going and putting a note on people's doors about it. I don't want the squirrels to get to it (because the definitely will).
That's all for today. Tune in next time for some pictures (of food probably) and anything else that is radical.
Okay, So I had an oral exam today. I think I did pretty decently. I had to memorize what I wrote above. I don't think I did too bad. Sorry for the terrible grammar (for those who actually know French). I didn't actually have to write it, I just had to say it. Basically, I talked about my "dietary habits". Obviously, the sentences start to get a bit repetitive, but it's because I'm probably at the level of a 3rd grader. Which is frustrating, but it's all I know.
Today, at people's potato, I made the croutons and the dressing. It was awesome and everyone seemed to like it. I made a garlic-y oil to put on the croutons for the oven and I made a balsamic strawberry basil dressing. I served some of the food afterward, and then I ate. It's amazing how willing you are to volunteer, when it's something you are passionate about. I don't really even think of it as work. It feels more like a place to unwind, listen to some jams, prepare food, and talk to friends. It's even more awesome/intimate because we get to share a meal together. It makes me feel like I have a family away from home. Even though there are still a lot of people whom i can't remember the names of, but for some reason it doesn't really matter. I like to learn everyone's name (and i'm almost there!) but it's not totally necessary in order to enjoy one another's company.
*side note*-for those just chiming into my blog, the "people's potato" is a free service provided by the university where people provide free meals (with donations accepted) every school day. The meal is vegan so that everyone can enjoy (no matter their religious background or food restrictions). **
I'm really sad because I can't go see No Age this weekend because I already made plans. BUT I am excited because I get to go to Nico's house for a potluck (AGAIN!) and after that, I am going to a "my little pony 25th anniversary" party! I think I'm going to dress up, I'm not sure how, but I will. I have a few REALLY big papers I have to write before the semester is over and 2 big finals, French, and History(?). But I should be finished by early/mid December. I am REALLY excited for my friends and my sister coming to visit at the end of the year.
I'm really sad because I looked out my window and I saw a dead Siamese cat. I've seen it before (when it was still alive) and I think it might be the neighbors. I'm thinking about going and putting a note on people's doors about it. I don't want the squirrels to get to it (because the definitely will).
That's all for today. Tune in next time for some pictures (of food probably) and anything else that is radical.
Monday, November 17, 2008
cheer up charlie.

I finally got to see my family for the first time in 3 months. I finally set up my webcam stuff. It's always a little weird doing webcamming, but whatev. I have two tests this week and I am officially stressing out hardcore. I have a written french test tomorrow with so many vocabulary words I could spit. My oral exam is on thursday and I don't even know what I'm going to talk about yet! I went to Java u (the coffee shop on campus) today and sat and worked on making flash cards/ doing my feminist homework all day. It felt good to get out of the house, but it's not getting any warmer. I swear I talk about how cold it is every single entry, but seriously...I'm so jealous of the California weather right now. Here I am in longjohns and there's my mom going on walks in shorts! how can we even be on the same planet! I am so ready for this semester to be over!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008

Hey Friends,
Please forgive me for the lack of updates lately! I've been a busy kid! This Halloween, I got to go to see one of my all time favorite bands, Broken Social Scene. It was fantastic, as usual. After the concert, I got to go to a Loft Party. There were lots of people there dancing and having fun. For Halloween, I was a Teabag! I got some sheer material from salvation army and Ali sewed it for me. I put some leaves inside of the "bag" and then I made a string and attached a card for the tag. The second night, I met up with my other friends and we went to another little party/house show. Some bands from Vancouver played and I dressed up as a lumberjack. The picture at the bottom shows what I look like. I am also standing next to my friend Thea. She was Boba Fett from Star Wars. A little before Halloween, I invited some people over to my house. We made burritos, carved, pumpkins and watched a terrible 80s movie on vhs called "Fright Night". Jenna and I carved the pumpkin (in the picture) together. The second picture of the pumpkin was after I left it outside for a single day. It got mauled by the CRAZY squirrels! I california, I'm worried to put things outside because of the raccoons, but's the squirrels.
The week of halloween, I also got to go see a band from houston, texas called the octopus project. They play in California a lot, but the put on such a great show! The had giant ghosts that the put on stage for halloween. Jenna agreed to go with me, and I was very grateful!
Last week, I went to an Election party. We had a potluck and I made pumpkin curry soup! It was a big hit. We watched the elections on the big screen and the Canadians were just as excited to see the results as we were! I love them.
This week, I don't have too much planned. It's getting a lot colder lately. It snowed a little bit today. I didn't have school today, so I made some lentil soup and ali made biscuits. So yummy! I got invited to go see a concert tonight, but I decided to say no because I have french in the morning and it would probably be pretty hard to catch the metro back. Cabs are so expensive. I've been watching a lot of vhs lately. Right now, I'm watching "Fletch" a movie with chevy chase. It's quite ridiculous. Well, I must do some history homework now, But I promise to update soon!
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